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  • How to reduce the impact of the war on IP: Ukrainian delegation meets with Mr. Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO
    03 May 2024 No Comments Олексенко Олексій

    How to reduce the impact of the war on IP: Ukrainian delegation meets with Mr. Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO


    How can the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) help mitigate the negative impact of the war on Ukraine ?


    This issue was discussed during the meeting of the Ukrainian delegation with Mr. Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO and Mr. Habip Asan, Director, Division for Transition and Developed Countries (TDC), Regional and National Development Sector, WIPO in the framework of the 32nd session of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property in Geneva (Switzerland).


    Particular attention was paid to the development of the National Strategy on Intellectual Property until 2030. This document will become the strategic vision of the Ukrainian IP sphere development for the coming years and, as informed Bogdan Paduchak, the First Deputy Director of the IP Office, it is planned to be submitted for approval this year:


    We also would like to appreciate your support for the development of the National IP Strategy, launched with a strong group of international and national experts. We know that this is a very ambitious plan, but we aim to complete all the necessary procedures for its development this year and submit it to our Cabinet of Ministers for approval. Our main focus is to mitigate the negative impacts of the war and to adapt to the new emerging technologies, that’s why we appreciate the high level of involvement of WIPO and its relevant departments in the development of this Strategy”.


    As part of a series of meetings at WIPO, it was agreed to develop and continue to implement a number of important initiatives, in particular:


    • further implementation of the WIPO ALERT initiative in Ukraine;
    • further participation and access preferences for Ukrainian institutions within the framework of WIPO’s public-private partnership programs ASPI and ARDI;
    • implementation of the project “Intellectual Property Management in Technoparks”;
    • protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge related to genetic resources;
    • further support and joint awareness-raising and educational projects within the framework of the National Intellectual Property Training Institution (IP Academy);
    • adoption of the best practices on alternative dispute resolution methods, mediation services and cooperation with the Mediation Center at the IP Office;
    • further development of the TISC network and cooperation with the National IP&Innovations Hub, which operates within the structure of the IP Office;
    • support of cooperation with the WIPO Judicial Institute, in particular within the framework of the WIPO-Lex Judgments database;
    • CEBS project on needs assessment, networking and capacity building of trademark and patent experts;
    • CEBS WEP project for local communities in the field of traditional textiles;
    • technical and expert assistance;
    • building professional capacity in the IP sphere and IP legal culture raising.


    Cooperation between WIPO and Ukraine at this level is an indication of the unequivocal support of our country and its innovation ecosystem. This was emphasized by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Vitaliy Kindrativ during the meeting:


    “We would like to reiterate that our focus on cooperation remains the same, and we continue to rely on WIPO expertise to mitigate the negative impacts of the war, described in the respective WIPO Report discussed during the 64th series of General Assemblies. These negative impacts should continue to be monitored and properly addressed in subsequent decisions of the WIPO General Assembly and in further activities within WIPO”.


    Vitaly Kindrativ and Daren Tang


    The Ukrainian delegation thanked the WIPO delegation for supporting IP initiatives and invited Mr. Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO to visit Ukraine and the national IP office to see the progress made by our country despite the challenges of war.


     “Strengthening of our cooperation after the signing of the MoU between WIPO and Ukraine shows us numerous opportunities to enhance IP, the innovative and creative ecosystem of Ukraine, and despite russian war of aggression against Ukraine, lack of resources and human struggles, we are fully ready to progressively strengthen the areas of our cooperation reflected in the MoU, with a focus on mitigating the negative effects of the war, restoring Ukraine’s innovation and creative ecosystem and adapting to new emerging technologies”, – Bogdan Paduchak emphasized.


    Photo: Emmanuel Berrod, WIPO


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    Ukraine for the first time acts as a coordinator of the CEBS regional group during the work of WIPO Committees


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