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  • Українська
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  • About us

    Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (IP office) – the conceptually new approach to services in the intellectual property sphere.

    Our vision


    We strive for the office to become a modern, professional, technological and transparent full-cycle hub for the creator, based on the principle of a «single-window». We work to ensure not only providing support for your idea and obtaining relevant patents and certificates, but also consulting on patent granting procedure and protection, search for an investor, and ways to commercialize your intellectual property.


    Why IP Office?


    Ukraine is completing the institutional reform of the IP sphere and the implementation of the relevant legislation. In particular, Law No. 703-IX, according to which the National Intellectual Property Authority was established.



    Starting from November 8, 2022, due to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 943 “Some Issues of the National Intellectual Property Authority” dated October 28, 2022, the State Organization “Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations” (UANIPIO) is the entity performing the functions of the National Intellectual Property Authority.

    What we are doing?

    • Examination of applications for industrial property objects
    • Registration of intellectual property rights
    • Maintaining state registers in the intellectual property sphere
    • Supporting the activities of collegial bodies: the Appeals Chamber, the “Ukraine” Commission, the Supervisory Board
    • International cooperation
    • Informational and publishing activities
    • Providing services and consultations in the IP sphere
    • Attestation of patent attorneys (their training and maintaining the patent attorneys’ Register)

    The IP office functions as client-oriented state services, grounded on the principles of transparency, professionalism, decency and support. It is an ecosystem of intellectual property protection and innovation for a creative cluster, which in its turn will become an investment magnet.



    The IP office has already launched a full-fledged Mediation Center. This is a new tool for the Ukrainian intellectual property system, which functions in all developed economies of the world. It will help the creator, inventor and business in resolving disputes.

    Our  priorities


    New level of cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and professional representation of Ukraine’s interests at the WIPO;

    • Intensification of cooperation with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), the European Patent Office (EPO) and the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), national IP offices of other countries;
    • Development of methodological recommendations on IP examination based on the experience of EUIPO, EPO and USPTO and the practice of their implementation;
    • Introduction of broad digitization for the public services processes provided  by the IP office;
    • Maximum reduction of the IP examination time frames and improvement of its quality;
    • Constant improvement of the IP office’s experts qualifications in order to perform the functions of the International Searching Authority and the International Preliminary Examination Authority (ISA/IPEA);
    • Unlocking patent attorney’s attestation and a qualitatively new approach where professionalism is a priority;
    • Elaboration of tools for supporting innovators and businesses within the framework of Ukraine’s recovery from the consequences of russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine;
    • Promotion of innovative activities in the national security and defense sphere in terms of IP legal protection;
    • Restoration of the IP Offices role in the inventive activity increasing, creation and utilisation of IPR;
    • Introduction of effective dialogue with the science and education sectors in the IP sphere;
    • Promoting the development of creative industries as a component of the IP sphere;
    • Functioning of the IP office as a professional platform for business communication with the state institutions in terms of IPR protection improvement;
    • Transparent and fair functioning of the Appeals Chamber, including the power to invalidate IP rights;
    • Promoting the development of alternative dispute resolution methods in the IP sphere in Ukraine;
    • Creation of the Supervisory Board to ensure the transparency of the institution’s activities;
    • Educational and IP culture awareness-raising activities;
    • Introduction of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions legal protection by IP mechanisms in Ukraine;
    • Education, training and professional development of IP personnel, including cooperation with the WIPO Academy.


    *Data are recorded on the resources of the State IP Legal Protection System