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  • Ukrainian IP Office agreed to deepen cooperation with the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova
    15 July 2024 No Comments Олексенко Олексій

    Ukrainian IP Office agreed to deepen cooperation with the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova


    Cooperation within the framework of the Memorandum will support both countries in the process of the EU accession.


    The representatives of the Ukrainian IP Office and the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) met in Geneva, where the 65th series of meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPOis taking place. The meeting outcome was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the agencies of the two countries.


    The Ukrainian delegation included Olena Orliuk, Director of the IP Office, her First Deputy Bogdan Paduchak, and Deputy Vladyslav Bilotskyi.


    The Moldovan side was represented by Eugeniu Rusu, Director General of AGEPI, Diana Stici, Head of Legal Department, and Victoria Plesca, Head of the International Relations and European Integration Division Communication.


    Taking into account the active process of harmonization of national intellectual property legislation with the EU acquis in both countries, as well as the European Commission’s Enlargement Package and the start of negotiations on Ukraine’s and the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the EU, the parties agreed to deepen bilateral cooperation.


    In particular, in the following areas:


    • Exchange of information on normative acts, practices, and procedures in the field of intellectual property;Exchange of information regarding the implementation of the activities related to the harmonization of Ukrainian and Moldovan IP legislation with the EU acquis in the field of intellectual property;
    • Exchange of publications, including Official Bulletins and Annual Reports in the field of intellectual property;
    • Exchange of experience to strengthen the capacity of the Offices in the process of examination and grant of protection to intellectual property objects;
    • Exchange of information in the field of enforcement of intellectual property rights, namely in combating counterfeiting and piracy in physical and digital markets;
    • Exchange of experience and best practices in the IP and innovation sphere, development of initiatives aimed at ensuring the recovery and sustainable development of the IP sphere and the innovation and creative sectors;
    • Exchange of experience and best practices on the impact of IP on economic, industrial, scientific and technological development;
    • Exchange of experience in the use of emerging technologies, in particular blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, in the administration and protection of IP rights;
    • Transfer of knowledge and experiences in awareness-raising activities in the field of intellectual property;
    • Organization of seminars, workshops, roundtables, and other joint educational events on the role of intellectual property in innovation and economic growth.


    During the signing of the document, Olena Orliuk expressed her gratitude to the Moldovan colleagues for their willingness to deepen close cooperation with Ukraine. She also congratulated Moldova on the start of negotiations on EU accession, which also provides new opportunities for development, including in the field of intellectual property.



    “This Memorandum is about many areas for cooperation, new joint projects to promote and protect IP rights in Moldova and Ukraine. But the most important is that it about our common path of EU acquis harmonization and close partnership and friendship.


    The russian war of aggression against Ukraine has an extremely negative impact on Ukrainian economy. WIPO Report and our own publications and project reports from TISC Network, IP Mediation and IP Academy show us how the IP sphere works in the face of such challenges. You can look at our Annual Report, which will be on our web site, and on our IP dashboard information to see numbers and our activity. No sector, no institution is safe from war.


    Monday`s tragic events in Okhamdyt and across Ukraine have shown that nothing stops the Russians but our own power and the support of our partners. And when people tell us that IP is not important, I answer that it is all about our survival, about the fact that we need to preserve both people and their creativity. I am sure that our fruitful cooperation within the scope of the Memorandum will provide support for our countries in the accession process and help our stakeholders and societies on their way to economic and social growth and stability”, – emphasized Olena Orliuk.


    The Memorandum of Understanding was concluded for 5 years with the possibility of automatic prolongation for the same period.



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    Олексенко Олексій
    Олексенко Олексій

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