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  • Combating russian Disinformation and Propaganda in Assemblies of WIPO Member States
    15 July 2024 No Comments Олексенко Олексій

    Combating russian Disinformation and Propaganda in Assemblies of WIPO Member States


    This year’s most important event for the IP sphere, the Sixty-Fifth Series of Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), is ongoing in Geneva. There, the Ukrainian delegation, together with more than 1,400 distinguished delegates from all around the world, partake in making strategic policy decisions that will ensure the world’s sustainable development through the effective use of intellectual property regulatory measures.


    Today, the Assembly of the WIPO Member States continued considering the Agenda item on General statements, and the russian federation, having tried its knavish tricks repeatedly before, attempted to use the WIPO platform to spread its propaganda and disinformation again.


    In its Reactive statement, in response to multiple statements of continued support for Ukraine and condemning of inhumane directed attack against the National Children’s Specialised Hospital “Okhmatdyt made by other WIPO Member States, the russian delegation attempted to spread disinformation on the missile attack against the clinic.


    This was an obvious and cynical lie intended for the global audience and could not be left unaddressed by the Ukrainian delegation. In its Response, the Ukrainian delegation disproved all the disinformation:


    We have just heard another russia’s attempt to justify its war crimes in Ukraine and litter the international community with its propaganda. Ukraine will act in every possible way to bring russia accountable for every war crime committed in Ukraine, including this bombing of the children’s hospital”, – said Mr Bogdan Paduchak, First Deputy Director, Ukrainian IP Office.


    In this 65th Series of WIPO Member States’ Assemblies, Ukraine is represented by:


    • The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,
    • The Standing Representation of Ukraine before the UN and other international organisations in Geneva and
    • The Ukrainian National Office for Intellectual Property and Innovations (the Ukrainian IP Office) representatives.


    The World Intellectual Property Organization’s assistance to Ukraine’s innovative and creative sectors and IP system is among the Agenda items scheduled for discussion at this Series of WIPO Member States’ Assemblies.


    Read also:


    Implementation of international best practices in mediation will strengthen the system of IP rights protection in Ukraine – Vladyslav Bilotskyi at the WIPO General Assembly


    INTA is ready to support Ukraine’s IP system and the national IP Office in the face of the ongoing war: outcomes of the meeting between the management of the IP Office and INTA


    The 65th series of meetings of Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO started in Geneva: the Ukrainian delegation called for closing the WIPO External Office in russia


    WIPO General Assembly: Ukrainian Delegation Discussed Cooperation Priorities with Habip Asan, Director of the WIPO Division for Transition and Developed Countries

    Олексенко Олексій
    Олексенко Олексій

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