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  • INTA is ready to support Ukraine’s IP system and the national IP Office in the face of the ongoing war: outcomes of the meeting between the management of the IP Office and INTA
    11 July 2024 No Comments Irena

    INTA is ready to support Ukraine’s IP system and the national IP Office in the face of the ongoing war: outcomes of the meeting between the management of the IP Office and INTA


    How can the global community support Ukrainian business in its integration with the world business environment in general and the European Union in particular? How can foreign colleagues assist in the exchange of experience with Ukrainian specialists and experts and support Ukrainian IP professionals? How to strengthen the communication component of the IP sphere of Ukraine and the national agency with the help of global tools?


    These and other issues were discussed during the bilateral meeting between the management of the Ukrainian IP Office and the International Trademark Association (INTA).


    The meeting was attended by:


    • Olena Orliuk, Director of the Ukrainian IP Office;
    • Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director of the IP Office;
    • Etienne Sanz de Acedo, INTA CEO;
    • Tat-Tienne Louembe, INTA’s Chief Representative Officer for the Europe and Intergovernmental Organizations;
    • Heather Steinmeier, Director of Policy at INTA.


    INTA representatives expressed their unwavering support for Ukraine, the IP system and the IP office in the context of the ongoing war. They also maintain close communication with the most active professional association of patent attorneys in Ukraine.


    Olena Orliuk extended her gratitude to the INTA colleagues for their solidarity with Ukraine, the Ukrainian people and for the outstanding support of national experts and specialists in the field of intellectual property.


    “Your support in making the voice of Ukraine to be heard in the global IP community is very much needed. I ask you to continue these activities to promote Ukrainian businesses and IP professionals. They need not only concrete assistance but also help in integrating into the global IP community and EU market”, – noted the Director of the IP Office.


    She added that the priority of the national IP office is to provide high-quality services that will enable Ukraine to improve its innovation infrastructure and become an attractive country for foreign investment and national business development.


    “From our side, we are making our expertise more advanced and already see positive trends in reducing the terms of IPR registration”, – added Olena Orliuk.


    She also emphasized the need to strengthen communication between the national IP office and the international association.


    “INTA platforms and foreign specialized media can significantly enhance the public communication of the Ukrainian IP office at the international level”, – mentioned the Director of the IP Office, urging her colleagues from the Association to disseminate information on the development of the Ukrainian intellectual property, innovation and creative sectors.


    “I believe that this will also benefit your members, as there are a lot of experiences, events, and projects in Ukraine that may be of interest to them”, – Olena Orliuk is convinced.


    Vladyslav Bilotskyi, Deputy Director, outlined the steps taken by Ukraine in general and the IP Office in particular to improve the level of intellectual property rights protection.


    “The IP Mediation Center was launched at the IP office to develop alternative and out-of-court ways of resolving disputes in the IP sphere. Also, the Appeals Chamber of the National Intellectual Property Authority has recently resumed its work, which will provide an administrative mechanism of protection. In addition, the IP Office is working to unite all stakeholders to fight counterfeiting and piracy. This is the main task of the Intellectual Property rights Infringement Monitoring Center, which establishes communication with law enforcement and customs authorities, right holders, and business” ,- informed Vladyslav Bilotskyi.


    During the meeting there were also discussed capacity building issues of the judiciary and further deepening institutional cooperation, in particular through the memorandum of understanding signing, which was initiated by INTA colleagues.


    For information:


    The International Trademark Association is a global association of brand owners and professionals involved in supporting trademarks.


    The association includes 6400 organizations from 181 jurisdictions. The organizations represent about 36,000 professionals – brand owners of large corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, law firms and non-profit organizations. The INTA community also includes representatives of government agencies, professors and law students.


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