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  • New rules for the registration of geographical indications in Ukraine, adapted to EU regulations, came into force
    30 August 2024 No Comments Олексенко Олексій

    New rules for the registration of geographical indications in Ukraine, adapted to EU regulations, came into force


    Products that are of special quality due to their geographical origin can be registered under an updated, clearly regulated procedure.


    On August 16, new rules for the registration of geographical indications in Ukraine, approved by the Ministry of Economy, came into force. The relevant order, registered on July 24, establishes clear requirements for the registration of geographical indications for agricultural goods, food and alcoholic beverages.


    The new rules are specified in detail the following:


    • who is eligible for registration;


    • what documents are required to be submitted;


    • how to draw up a product specification.


    The new rules are adapted to EU regulations, which means that Ukrainian geographical indications can be officially recognized and protected in the EU. This is an important step for the development of local producers and the promotion of their products to European markets.


    “The use of geographical indications not only emphasizes the uniqueness of Ukrainian products, but also contributes to the development of our agricultural regions. It helps to preserve the traditions and knowledge passed down by local producers from generation to generation”, – noted Vitaliy Kindrativ, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.


    “Geographical indications are an effective tool for creating a successful and prosperous country that values its own traditions and is a viable competitor in the international market. The status of a geographical indication can be a significant factor in drawing attention to both the products of Ukrainian farms and regions. In addition, the certification of the appellation of origin guarantees high quality and authenticity of products, thus creating added value,”, – emphasized Olena Orliuk, Director of the IP Office.


    New forms for the state registration geographical indications’ application filling can be found by the link.


    For reference


    A geographical indication is a designation containing the name of the place of origin and indicating the goods’ origin from a particular region, which thus confirms the goods’ special properties, reputation or characteristics that are specifically linked to the area of goods’ production.


    Олексенко Олексій
    Олексенко Олексій

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